As a business, you want to make sure only authorized individuals have access to your company's most valuable information. This requires strong access management controls to ensure only those authorized have access to the information.
Unfortunately, hackers are expert in breaking through these controls. After they gain a foothold into your systems, hackers will not stop there. Their malware is programmed to try to access your databases, create new accounts, and move from one server to another server in your network. Hackers don't care about company size and target big and small alike.
Hackers employ social engineering techniques to persuade legitimate users to willingly give up information to gain access to systems and information that should be accessible only to authorized personnel.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn about Access Management and Social Engineering from experts from the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). You’ll learn: - What Access Management is.
- Access Management techniques and their strengths and weaknesses
- Social Engineering techniques
- Social Engineering scams
- How to protect yourself and your business.