Ho, Ho, Hoooold on a Minute - A New Year Resolution That IoT Isn’t a Gift That Keeps on Taking - Some IoT products may make your life easier, but they also may be somewhat of a Trojan Horse. (Tom Eston)
Continuity in Chaos: Applying Time-Tested Incident Response to Modern Cybersecurity - Despite the drastically newer and more complex technology, many of the core incident response principles remain the exact same and we should never forget the fundamentals. (Matt Honea)
How to Get Started With Security Automation: Consider the Top Use Cases Within Your Industry - Organizations in different industries may approach security automation from a different entry point, but the requirements for an automation platform are consistent across use cases. (Marc Solomon)
Beyond Protocols: How Team Camaraderie Fortifies Security - The most efficient and effective teams have healthy and constructive cultures that encourage team members to go above and beyond the call of duty. (Joshua Goldfarb) |