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Showing posts with the label Malwarebytes Newsletter: June | Issue 2

Malwarebytes Newsletter: June | Issue 2

Instagram scam steals your selfies to trick your friends. Views expressed in this cybersecurity-cyber crime update are those of the reporters and correspondents. Accessed on 20 June 2022, 2018 UTC. Content supplied by "Malwarebytes Newsletter:  June | Issue 2." Source: Please click link or scroll down to read your selections. Russ Roberts (machine learning, artificial intelligence, IoT, and information security) Having trouble viewing this message?  Click here  to view this as a webpage. The big stories Instagram scam steals your selfies to trick your friends Instagram users' IDs are being stolen in a scam aimed at luring their friends into signing up for expensive subscription services. Keep reading Facebook users targeted in massive phishing campaign Facebook has once again been used as the lure for a large-scale phishi...